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DFI Enforcement Actions

When there is reason to believe that a company or individual has violated Washington state financial services laws or rules, DFI will begin an investigation.

Sometimes these investigations result in enforcement actions (also known as "administrative" actions).

Enforcement Actions by Division/Type

Division of Consumer Services

Enforcement actions against:

  • Consumer Loan Companies
  • Mortgage Brokers
  • Check Cashers and Sellers (Payday Lenders)
  • Money Service Providers
  • Escrow Agents and Officers.

Division of Securities

Enforcement actions regarding:

  • Investments
  • Franchises
  • Business Opportunities
  • Off-Exchange Commodities

Virtual Currency, Cryptocurrency, and Digital Assets

Enforcement related to virtual currency, cryptocurrency, or digital assets.

State-Chartered Banks

Enforcement actions issued by DFI's Division of Banks.

State-Chartered Credit Unions

Enforcement actions issued by DFI's Division of Credit Unions.