Before doing business with a financial institution, company, or individual, DFI recommends that you make sure they are properly licensed.

Need assistance verifying a license? Call us at 1-877-746-4334. Need help in a different language? You can request interpreter services when you call.

Check Cashers and Small Loans (Payday Lenders)

Verify Licenses through NMLS Consumer Access

Escrow Agents and Officers

Verify Licenses through DFI Licensee Database

Money Transmitter/Currency Exchangers

Verify Licenses through NMLS Consumer Access

Mortgage Lenders, Brokers, Loan Originators,
Consumer Loan Companies, Education Loan Servicers

Verify Licenses through NMLS Consumer Access

Securities Filings, Investment Company (Mutual Fund)

Verify Filings through DFI Licensee Database

Franchises and Business Opportunities

Verify Filings through DFI Licensee Database

Investment Advisers

Verify through Securities and Exchange Commission

Securities Broker Dealers

Check Records through FINRA BrokerCheck

Virtual Currency

List of Virtual Currency Licensees in Washington State

Washington State Chartered Banks and Trust Companies

List of Washington State Chartered Banks and Trust Companies 

Washington State Chartered Credit Unions

List of Washington State Chartered Credit Unions

Individuals and Companies Licensed with Other Regulators

If DFI does not regulate the institution or individual you are researching, check with the appropriate regulator below.

Federal Banks
FDIC bank find allows you to find information about federally regulated banks.

Federal Credit Unions
The National Credit Union Administration’s (NCUA) research a credit union tool allows you to find information about federally regulated credit unions.

Insurance Companies and Agents
The Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner allows you to look up information about insurance companies and individals.