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Credit Unions Administrative Actions

Links to the administrative actions taken by the Division of Credit Unions are provided in the Table below. The Division may take administrative action when a credit union and/or persons affiliated with a credit union have violated the Credit Union Act, Chapter 31.12 RCW, or other applicable law or regulation.

Administrative Actions

Name of Credit Union Type of Order Effective Date Status of Order
Cowlitz Credit Union Consent Order 05/15/2012 Lifted
The Union Credit Union Consent Order 04/26/2010 Cancelled due to credit union closure
Transportation NW Credit Union Consent Order 03/23/2010 Cancelled due to merger
Renton Community Credit Union Consent Order 11/19/2009 Cancelled due to merger
Global Credit Union Consent Order 07/17/2009 Lifted
The Union Credit Union Consent Order 05/06/2009 Closed