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Virtual Currency, Cryptocurrency, and Digital Assets Enforcement Actions

Enforcement actions taken by DFI related to virtual currency, cryptocurrency, and digital assets.

Order Date
BlockFi Lending LLC – Final Order 12/16/2022
BlockFi Trading LLC – Final Order 12/16/2022
West Realm Shires Services, Inc d/b/a FTX US – Final Order 12/16/2022
Nexo Inc., Nexo Capital, Inc., and Antoni Trenchev 09/26/2022
VBit Technologies Inc 07/12/2022
Voyager Digital LLC 03/29/2022
Stocktradefxt 03/11/2022
BlockFi Lending LLC 02/17/2022
PrimeFX Pro 02/04/2022
Stocktradefxt 01/1/2022
24XploitTrade 11/17/2021
Nittrex Capital Ltd., d/b/a Nittrex Digital Asset Fund, d/b/a Nittrex Fund, d/b/a Nittrex 11/09/2021
World of Crypto Mining d.b.a., and Glen Lesnick 10/30/2021
Debtix Enterprise Ltd. d/b/a 10/22/2021
Celsius Network Inc., Celsius Network Limited, Celsius US Holding LLC, Celsius Network LLC, Celsius Lending LLC 10/20/2021
Blockfi - Statement of Charges 09/23/2021
Symboli Blockchain, LLC and Robert Bevan Brian 08/03/2021
Trademining, Inc., a/k/a and Devon T. Shigaki 05/06/2021
Dragonchain, Inc. 01/26/2021
Unikrn, Inc. and Unikrn Bermuda Ltd. 09/24/2020
Signal Capital Management LLC 09/15/2020
YOcoin Limited d/b/a YOCoin and GoYOCoin, Inc. 08/20/2020
RChain Cooperative and Lucius Gregory Meredith 02/26/2020
Strix Leviathan I, LLC 11/21/2019
Broad Investments LLC and Guoyong Liu 04/01/2019
Duber Technologies Washington, Inc.; Glenn S. Ballman 12/18/2019
North American Real Estate Investment Group, Inc.; Haitao Lin a/k/a Hunter Lin 07/02/2019