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Check Cashers and Payday Lenders Licensing

DFI uses the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System (NMLS) to manage all Check Casher and Payday Lender licenses.

Before You Apply

Before you apply for the Check Casher or Check Casher/Small Loan Endorsement license please read through the information on the following links.

You will find information on barriers to getting the license, the cost of obtaining and maintaining the license, as well as a summary of some of the WACs that a company should be aware of once they obtain the license. None of these lists are all inclusive and are only intended to help you make an informed decision on whether you want to continue on the path to obtaining the license.

Apply for Small Loan Agent License

All person engaged in the following activities must obtain a license:

  • Marketing and advertising small loans
  • Collecting nonpublic personal information from consumers in anticipation of selling the information to potential lenders
  • Assisting customers in completing small loan documentation
  • Providing required applicable state and federal disclosures (WAC 208-630-137)
  • Collecting small loans

Apply for License

Apply for a Company Check Casher License with Small Loan Endorsement (Payday Lending)

All payday lenders must apply for their license through the NMLS system.

Apply for a Company Check Casher License

Check Cashers are required to apply through NMLS.

Check Sellers

Washington State is no longer accepting new check seller license applications under the Check Cashers & Sellers Act. If you sell checks, you must apply for a Money Transmitter license under the Uniform Money Services Act, Chapter 19.230 RCW.


If you have any questions you can call Consumer Services Licensing at (360) 902-8703 or email for additional information.