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DFI Director of Securities Begins One-Year Term As NASAA President With Goals Of Collaboration, Consumer Protection

September 18, 2014
Continuing work with partners – federal, state and province – and expanding senior investor protection top Beatty’s “to-do” list for securities regulators

Olympia – The Washington State Department of Financial Institutions (DFI) is pleased to announce that DFI’s Director of Securities Bill Beatty this week began a one-year term as president of the North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA).

"Bill is a great choice to lead NASAA this coming year," DFI Director Scott Jarvis said. "He has strong leadership skills and is committed to protecting the investing public and promoting confidence in the capital markets. Bill’s first-hand knowledge of the significant issues securities regulators face and his ability to see the ‘big picture’ in situations with multiple perspectives and desired outcomes will help him serve NASAA members, investors and licensees – all with consideration and understanding."

"Throughout my term I hope to bring a new way of looking at our issues to find effective and efficient resolutions for investors, regulators and industry alike," Beatty said in remarks at the NASAA annual conference in Indianapolis, Ind. this week.

Beatty indicated a number of issues he hopes to address during his tenure, including:

  • expanding NASAA’s ongoing initiative focused on protection of senior investors, especially those with diminished capacity;
  • expanding NASAA’s ongoing initiative focused on technology, with an emphasis on upcoming launch of electronic state filing of Form D;
  • continuing NASAA’s dialog with the Securities and Exchange Commission to preserve the regulatory oversight authority of state securities regulators regarding Regulation A offerings; and
  • enhancing NASAA’s work with Canadian and Mexican securities regulators.

"Recognizing that many of the issues regulators face today cross borders – and in today’s technological era, realistically have no borders," Beatty concluded, “it’s important that we continue to remain focused on strong, collaborative efforts to ensure industry is safe and sound, regulation keeps pace with current technologies, state regulators – who know our state’s industries best – continue to remain a strong first line of defense and our citizens are protected from criminal activities."

"I look forward to serving as NASAA President this coming year,” Beatty added. “Where some may see many challenges, I see opportunities for growth and stronger collaboration."

Beatty has asked the following administrators to serve as chairs of NASAA’s sections: Heath Abshure, Arkansas, Corporation Finance; Lynne Egan, Montana, Investor Education; Bryan Lantagne, of Massachusetts, Broker Dealer; Owen Lefkon, Delaware, Enforcement; and Patricia Struck, Wisconsin, Investment Adviser.

For the past year, Beatty has served as NASAA’s president-elect. Previously, he served as chair of NASAA’s Corporation Finance Section. He has served in the Washington Department of Financial Institutions for 28 years, including approximately five as director of the department’s securities division.

NASAA’s other new Board of Directors include: President-elect Judith Shaw of Maine; Past President, Andrea Seidt of Ohio; Melanie Lubin, Maryland; Joseph Borg, Alabama; Kathryn Daniels, Ontario, Gerald Rome, Colorado; Michael Rothman, Minnesota; and Daphne Smith, Tennessee.