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Doing Business with the Washington Department of Financial Institutions

Information about current contracting opportunities and forecasted contract opportunities.

Current Contract Opportunities

DFI has no competitive procurements at this time.  

When we do, state agencies are required to post competitive solicitation on WEBS. Consider registering early or reaching out to Department of Enterprise Services to learn more.

Forecasted Contract Opportunities

State agencies are required to use Department of Enterprise Services state contracts, unless those contracts do not meet our needs.

Department of Enterprise Services (DES) is in the process of creating more state contracts for IT Professional Services. When these competed contacts are executed, state agencies will use them. Learn more about DES IT Professional Services contracts.

Please review “more information about procurement at DFI” to learn which DES state contracts we currently use. We have also identified in this document areas we anticipate for direct purchasing.

Please note the direct buy or DB purchasing identified in the “DFI’s Supplier Diversity Forecasted Needs Report” includes work on DES state contracts. If you have any questions, please reach out to

Other Opportunities with the State of Washington

For more information about doing business with the State of Washington, visit:

Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer

DFI is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. The successful bidder of any contract must abide by the Affirmative action and Equal Employment Opportunity policies of DFI.