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Escrow Agent Quarterly Report Filing

For purposes of determining compliance with chapter 18.44 RCW and chapter 208-680 WAC, each escrow agent shall file with the director, within thirty days following the end of each fiscal quarter, the following:

  • A report concerning its operations
  • A report concerning the trust account administration; and
  • A one page summary of the three way reconciliation from the last month of the quarter.

What do I need to do to get started?

  • The online EAQR filing system utilizes Secure Access Washington (SAW): a secure portal to access state applications. If you do not have a SAW account, please create an account using the following link: Once you create a SAW account, you must then add the “Escrow Agent QR” service to your account.

How to file your quarterly report

Online filing system

  • To access the online filing system you must log into your Secure Access Washington account and select "Escrow Agent QR."

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