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Two Years Later, Foreclosure Fairness Act Continues To Help Struggling Homeowners

January 24, 2014
Information now available in 11 languages, urging homeowners to seek free counseling

OLYMPIA – Washington homeowners facing foreclosure can now access brochures about homeownership counseling and mediation services in 11 languages.

The Washington State Legislature established the Foreclosure Fairness Act and the Mediation Program in 2011. The program, overseen by the Department of Commerce, is designed to help homeowners and their lenders explore possible alternatives to foreclosure and reach a resolution when possible. It assists Washington homeowners who are facing foreclosure by providing FREE homeownership counseling and information about possible mediation with their lender. While thousands of homeowners have met with housing counselors free-of-charge, and hundreds have entered mediation with their lenders to avoid foreclosure, it is estimated that only 10 percent of homeowners facing foreclosure are using these resources.

The Department of Financial Institutions is charged with outreach and raising program awareness.

Program information brochures – in 11 different languages – are available online at the website. The toll-free hotline and website offer residents a direct link to federal- and state-approved counselors in their communities. Housing counseling services are FREE to Washington residents, and are being funded by the state with money from lenders.

Printed versions of the Foreclosure Fairness Program brochures are also available to order online, free-of-charge. The brochure is available in the following languages:

  • English
  • Arabic
  • Chinese
  • Korean
  • Russian
  • Samoan
  • Somali
  • Spanish
  • Tagalog
  • Vietnamese
  • Cambodian

Interested parties may order brochures through the link and instructions listed below. Ordering is easy; just create a user name and password. The order is processed and shipped free-of-charge. Please allow about three weeks for delivery.

Online Ordering Instructions

Click on the following link:

When that website opens, click on the link that reads “Click here to register!” within the “Login” box on the left side of the screen. Complete the required information fields, including creation of a Login User Name and Password.

You will receive a confirmation email with your User Name. This email will contain a direct link to the ordering page.

When you are ready to search and order brochures on the ordering page:

  1. Click on the “Fulfillment (By Agency)” link in the “Home” box on the left side of the screen.
  2. Click on the “Financial Institutions (DFI)” link.
  3. Select the quantity of each English or translated brochure you wish to order, add items to you cart, and follow checkout instructions.

If you have any questions about the Foreclosure Fairness Program or would like more information, contact Corina Grigoras at or 360-725-2868. If you need assistance with brochure fulfillment, contact Lyn Peters, 360-902-8731 or