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Multiple agencies collaborating during National Consumer Protection Week to help Washingtonians learn more about how to avoid fraud


Lyn Peters, Director of Communications
PH (360) 349-8501 or

March 03, 2025
Washington DFI joins partners throughout the state promoting awareness of fraud perpetrated via text, social media, dating apps, and other online methods

(En Español)

Olympia – The Washington State Department of Financial Institutions (DFI) is honored to partner with the Attorney General’s Office (AGO) and other state and federal agencies for multiple events set to highlight the efforts of National Consumer Protection Week. The national awareness campaign, led by the Federal Trade Commission, "is a time to help people understand their consumer rights and avoid frauds and scams."

"In a time when scammers are constantly creating new ways to defraud people of their hard-earned money, it’s important that agencies like DFI and the Attorney General partner to help Washingtonians," DFI Director Charlie Clark said. "Multi-agency collaborations like this are critical now more than ever as we are seeing recent cuts or elimination of consumer protection activities at the federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau."

Thanks to the coordination efforts of the AGO consumer protection outreach team, DFI financial education and outreach staff are participating in multiple community and AGO staff-focused events during the week. Library events are open to the public and intended to showcase the availability of resources and provide outreach for participating agency programs and general consumer protection information.

  • Monday, March 3: Puyallup Library Public Tabling Event (1-3p.m.) 324 S. Meridian
  • Tuesday, March 4: Edmonds Library Public Tabling Event (10 a.m.-Noon) 650 Main St.
  • Friday, March 7: Des Moines Library Public Tabling Event (2-4 p.m.) 21620 11th Avenue S.

To bring a consumer protection, fraud prevention or financial education presentation from DFI's financial education and outreach staff to your community, please file a Financial Education Presentation Request.