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Governor Gregoire Proclaims February 24- March 2, 2008 As Washington Saves Week, Partners Offer Activities, Training

February 20, 2008

OLYMPIA - Governor Chris Gregoire has declared the week of February 24 - March 2, 2008 as Washington Saves Week. The Governor is encouraging public and private organizations to work together to illustrate the importance of saving money.

“While Washington’s economy remains strong, it’s still important that Washingtonians set aside money for rainy days,” Governor Gregoire said. “I encourage organizations from both the public and private sector to make a commitment to help educate residents about the importance of saving money.”

The Washington State Department of Financial Institutions (DFI), the Washington Society of CPA’s (WSPCA), and Consumer University have answered the Governor’s call of working together.

The partners are offering free financial literacy training to high school teachers across the state. Letters explaining the free training program have been sent to nearly 1,700 high school instructors.

“This is a timely opportunity for teachers and students in Washington State,” Consumer University Program Administrator Alicia Diefenbach said. “At a time when most parents are struggling to manage their personal finances and save for retirement, students have their best shot at getting a financial education in their classrooms.”

“Many of our students are not receiving adequate financial education,” added WSCPA Financial Education Manager Amy O’Donnell. “Providing teachers with access to training and resources for the classroom is key to supporting their efforts in creating well prepared adults.”

“Participating in the Washington Saves Week is a great way to engage students,” O’Donnell added, “and give them information so they can make better financial decisions now and in the future.”