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DFI.WA.GOV Link Policy

As a public service, the Washington State Department of Financial Institutions (DFI) may provide links to other organizations that provide information and resources of benefit to Washington residents and businesses.

External links do not constitute an endorsement by DFI of the opinions, products or services presented on the external site, or of any sites linked to it.

External links are intended to support DFI’s mission. They are not intended to support private or commercial organizations or businesses.

Types of Websites We Link To

The most common websites we link to are .org, .gov, .edu sites that provide information related to the DFI’s core mission of financial regulation and oversight or financial education.

Sites we typically link to are:

  • Federal, state and local government agencies
  • Organizations engaged in a formal partnership with DFI
  • Associations related to businesses DFI regulates

Types of Websites We Do Not Link To

  • Websites which are primarily commercial in nature (i.e., advertising, promoting or recommending a particular product or business, charging a usage fee, soliciting user information, etc.)
  • Websites which exhibit hate, bias, or discrimination or promote one political party over another
  • Websites which charge a user-fee for access
  • Websites that are political in nature or websites that encourage the public to contact government officials
  • Websites that are deemed to be misleading, contain unsubstantiated claims or are determined to be in conflict with DFI’s mission

Linking Policy Contact Information

For questions and concerns regarding the linking policy, email us at