About PEAR

DFI’s commitment for narrowing wealth disparities, requires intention and action. DFI’s PEAR Statement and PEAR outcomes and current work. This work includes identifying systems, structures, and cultures that are barriers to change, and working to dismantle racism. DFI works to expand pro-equity anti-racism practices and cultures in our agency.

DFI facilitates a PEAR Team, a small group focusing on PEAR policies, practices, and metrics. This group includes DFI executive leadership, DFI staff across key areas, and external partners. The PEAR Team holds DFI accountable to the recommendations, priorities, and expectations of the below two subgroups.

  1. Community and Industry PEAR Subgroup: Representatives across the industries DFI regulates, community organizations, and individuals who are interested in partnering with DFI for financial equity. Membership to the Community and Industry PEAR Subgroup is through self-selection and participation in at least one Community PEAR subgroup meetings per year.
  2. Internal PEAR Subgroup: DFI established an internal Diversity Advisory Team (DAT) in 2017. The DAT serves as the agency’s advisory team to develop and support DEI strategies across DFI.

More Information

Contact DFI DEI Director Erin Klika at erin.klika@dfi.wa.gov.

Visit the Office of Equity’s website for more information about the state’s PEAR strategy.