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File a Complaint: Banks, Credit Unions, and Investments

Use this form to file a complaint with the Washington State Department of Financial Institutions (DFI).

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General Information

If you need translation or interpreter assistance, please call 877-746-4334.
If you are submitting this complaint on behalf of someone else, we must have a letter indicating that person’s written and signed permission to communicate with you about this complaint.

About You

Who Is Your Complaint Against?

Complaint Details


Please select this option if you wish to be considered a whistleblower under the Whistleblower Award and Protection Act, chapter 21.40 RCW. The identity of a whistleblower is protected from public disclosure pursuant to RCW 42.56.400(6). An individual who wishes to make an anonymous whistleblower complaint must be represented by counsel. Individuals that make whistleblower complaints or that report potential securities law violations to their employer are protected from retaliation pursuant to the Act.
Public Records Disclosure The Washington Public Records Act (PRA), RCW 42.56, may require disclosure of this complaint in response to a public records request. If you choose, you may prevent your identifying information from being shared under the PRA. Please note that this does not necessarily restrict the release of your identifying information pursuant to a court order, subpoena, or during litigation. If you opt to not share your information in a PRA request, DFI may still need to share your complaint – including identifying information – with the business or person in your complaint during any investigation or if we refer your complaint to another agency.
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