Offsite Exams

Offsite Exams

As routine DFI compliance examinations continue off-site due to the pandemic, here are a few things to keep in mind to help ensure a successful remote examination:

  • Communicate and respond to the Department in a timely manner. We can typically accommodate reasonable extension requests when given enough advance notice.
  • Respond to all request items sent by the Department. Clarify with Department staff if you have any questions as to what should be provided.
  • Coordinate availability and meetings with the examiner-in-charge. You will be expected to be available for meetings and to respond to examination requests during the scheduled examination.
  • Utilize to submit the requested documents. You will receive a box exam folder invite and instructions from us along with your entry packet. If you do not have an existing box account, you will be asked to create a free individual account when you accept the box invite from us. Let us know if additional members of your staff need invites to the folder.
  • Expect secure emails from us during the examination process. You may get emails directly from our email addresses ( or through our vendor, Zixcorp. The secure email address may be from (encryption service). If you want to ensure that we sent the email, please email us directly and not to the notification email as that is not a working email address.