DFI Team Assists Distressed Homeowners

Mortgage Documents

The Mortgage Assistance Team, which is comprised of Financial Legal Examiners Kristina Shenefelt, Kendall Freed, Brett Carnahan, Drew Stillman, and Amanda Herndon, was implemented March 31, 2020. Since then the Team has received calls from over 200 consumers. The most common questions are regarding how to apply for forbearance plans and what options are available once the forbearance plans have ended. The Mortgage Assistance Team provides resources and assists borrowers in understanding the CARES Act, relevant programs available, and possible applicable options for their mortgages. In some cases, the calls have been opened as complaints to provide additional assistance to the consumers.

Outside of forbearance and CARES Act inquiries, consumers have called in about unexpected topics, including landlord/tenant and other business issues. This has required team members to do additional research into unfamiliar areas, and they have done their best to provide assistance and resources when possible.

Consumers continue to voice appreciation for the Mortgage Assistance Team’s support and resources, and the availability to talk to an actual person with minimal wait time. The Mortgage Assistance Team members have expressed that working with consumers has been a rewarding experience.