DFI Continues Remote Work Operations

Remote Work

While our physical building is closed and staff are subject to furlough days, DFI staff continue working to fulfill the agency’s mission and provide service to our customers. Since March, most of Consumer Services staff are working remotely. As for many of you, moving to remote work was an adjustment for some of us, as we addressed things like data security, forwarded calls, and quickly routing phone calls to remote staff to help licensees and consumers. Thank to you to applicants and licensees who patiently navigated the transition with us.

With this new “normal” in place, DFI staff are doing their best to keep business as usual and give timely assistance to our customers. Application processing continues with normal turnaround times. Exams remain off-site and investigation of complaints continue remotely. Here is an example of the work performed by each Consumer Services’ unit during a week, unless another timeframe is specified:

  • The Licensing team worked on 46 company applications: 13 Money Transmitters, six Mortgage Brokers, 23 Consumer Loan companies, two Check Cashers, one Payday Lender and one Escrow Agent. They processed nearly 75 MLO applications, more than 60 sponsorship changes, and at least a dozen criminal background checks. Do not forget the ongoing surety bond cancellations, renewals, and other changes managed.
  • The Examination team conducted 14 exams. Money Services examiners conducted three money transmitter exams and worked on two check casher exams. The Mortgage Broker examiners conducted four exams and the Consumer Loan Origination group had three examinations in process along with conducting a Reverse Mortgage Company exam. The Admin Team sent out 14 examination reports, nine examination entry letters, and nine examination closing letters.
  • The Enforcement team handles complaints and investigations. During the first six months of 2020, they opened more than 680 complaints and resolved/closed more than 630. They also opened 40 new investigations and resolved/closed 45. Each Legal Examiner carries a caseload of between 30-45 complaints and investigations. Program Specialist staff open and close each case, process all incoming and outgoing correspondence, and ensure the Examiners receive the best support possible.

If DFI requested information from you, be sure to communicate if you cannot respond timely. Staff is allowing more time to submit items, provided the applicant or licensee remains in contact.