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$10 Billion Reasons

If we were to tell you that $10 billion dollars were lost to fraud last year, would you believe us?

Well, it’s the sad truth based on the FTC data indicating Americans lost $10 billion in 2023 to fraud. It can be hard to even begin to fathom that amount of money, but we are using this shocking news to help spread awareness about how to identify, prevent, and report fraud so that your money doesn’t end up in that $10 billion.  

The campaign includes billboards, movie theater screens, radio, streaming, online, social media, print, and more. We are having materials translated for Spanish speaking communities and Asian communities as well. Be sure to keep an eye out for us! 

It is our hope that by the end of the campaign we can save many in Washington from falling prey to the myriad financial scammers seeking to steal the hard-earned dollars of our friends, family, neighbors, and communities. 

Learn how to identify, prevent, and report. You can visit the campaign website at: