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Resources In Your Community

Whether you want to to take a financial education class, or need assistance with your finances, organizations across Washington are ready to help.

Here's our guide to financial resources in your community.

Local Community Programs and Services

  • Community Organizations By County
    Listing of organizations across Washington providing financial education and assistance.
  • Washington 211
    2-1-1 is an easy-to-remember phone number for people to call for health and human service information and referrals.

Asset Building

  • Asset Building Coalitions
    Local asset building coalitions provide resources, assistance, and financial education to help you build and maintain financial assets.


  • Bank on Washington
    Banks and credit unions working together statewide to bring low cost checking and savings accounts to Washington residents.

Debt Assistance and Financial Planning

  • Certified Credit Counselors
    Certified credit counselors provide credit, debt, bankruptcy, and mortgage counseling.
  • Certified Financial Planners
    Certified financial planners can help you develop a roadmap to meet your financial goals. Meeting with a financial planner costs money, but most people find that it is worth while.


State Resources

  • Washington State Treasurer
    Financial education information and resources from the Washington State Treasurer.
  • Financial Education Public Private Partnership
    A partnership created by the legislature that brings together public and private stakeholders to improve and advocate for financial education in Washington schools and communities by providing teacher trainings and quality resources.


  • Free Tax Preparation
    The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offers free tax help to people who are generally low income, persons with disabilities and limited English speaking taxpayers who need assistance in preparing their own tax returns.