Message from Cindy Fazio
Hello. I hope everyone is healthy. I also hope your businesses are surviving this unprecedented challenge. I want to talk about fear and misinformation. I suppose the last time we were bombarded with such a large volume of information, most of it bad, was following the 9/11 attacks. That is coming up on 19 years ago.
Since that disaster, technology has brought information, good or bad, invasively closer to us and in larger volumes. The pandemic is bringing a double-punch disaster with threats to both our physical AND financial well-being. The information is coming at us every day, all day, and from every direction.
While it is always important to critically assess, question, verify, and then make an independent decision about the information we receive and may act on, it can be very difficult to do so when we are afraid. Many of us are afraid for our own and our family’s health and afraid for our family’s ability to earn income. My heart goes out to those families experiencing firsthand the threat to physical and financial well-being.
With any onslaught of information, there is bound to be misinformation. Something is not accurate, something is not communicated well, something does not apply in certain situations, something is confusing. With this flurry of information swirling around, please take a minute to imagine your consumer scared about their physical and financial well-being. Then please look at your company’s communications. Is your information accurate, communicated well, and complete? Will the consumer worried about both health and finances be able to navigate your messaging?
At DFI we are trying to provide needed information that is accurate, complete, and digestible to concerned consumers who are bombarded with all kinds of messaging. Please help us in the way you can, large or small. It is all needed. Thank you.