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Financial Education Resources for Middle School

Financial education curriculum and resources for middle school classrooms.

Money Savvy U
Grades: 6-10
Cost: Yes but a grant is available for some Washington classrooms

Money Savvy U is the perfect complement to any economics, consumer education, business education or personal finance class. Money Savvy U features instructor materials, scripted lessons, activities, and games for kids. Through a grant made possible by the Washington State Department of Financial Institutions, teachers who teach grades 6,7,8 are eligible to receive free Money Savvy U curriculum materials for their classrooms. Quantities are limited and registration is on a first come, first served basis. Email for more information.

Junior Achievement Finance Park and Curriculum
Grades: 6-8
Cost: Yes

The Junior Achievement Finance Park Program uses a 14-lesson curriculum. Once students complete the curriculum they then can take a field trip to Junior Achievement’s “mini-city” Finance Park in Auburn or Yakima, WA.

Take Charge Today: Curriculum from University of Arizona
Grades: 7-12
Cost: Free

Ready-to-teach, activity-based lesson plans free of charge from the University of Arizona.

Financial Fitness for Life
Grades: K-12
Cost: Yes there is a cost. It varies per curriculum

The Financial Fitness for Life Curriculum consists of high quality materials that assist students from kindergarten to grade 12 make better decisions for earning income, and spending, saving, borrowing, investing, and managing their money.

Hands On Banking Program from Wells Fargo
Grade Levels: K-12
Cost: Free

Lessons, activities, and teacher guides from Wells Fargo. Covers kids, teens, and young adults.

FDIC Money Smart
Grades: Pre K-12
Cost: Free

Standards-aligned curriculums that can be incorporated into subjects such as English language arts, Mathematics and Social Studies. Multiple lessons and resource guides for teachers.

Biz Kid$ on PBS: TV Show
Grades: 6-8
Cost: Free

TV show that teaches teens about personal finance. Show’s website provides activity guides, lesson plans and games.

Kitsap Credit Union – It’s A Money Thing Videos
Grades: 6-8
Cost: Free

"It's A Money Thing" will introduce you to a collection of humorous, yet effective financial education videos. Grounded in research, each video focuses on a specific topic and takes just a few minutes to view. And, we're pretty sure you'll chuckle a few times during the learning process.

Financial Beginnings
Cost: Free
Grades: K-12

Financial Beginnings offers elementary, middle, and high school programs. All of the materials and presenters are available at no cost to schools or participants.

Grades: 6-12
Cost: Free

MoneySKILL educates students of all ages on the basic understanding of money-management fundamentals. The course includes the content areas of income, expenses, saving and investing, credit, and insurance.

NextGen Personal Finance
Grades: 6-12
Cost: Free

12 personal finance units that feature 65 lessons, 200 activities, over 400 curated videos, and much more.

Grades: K-12
Cost: Free

EVERFI’s free online resources, videos, and lessons help elementary, middle and high school teachers equip their students with essential life skills.

Financial Lessons: Utah’s Finance in the Classroom
Grades: K-12
Cost: Free

Finance in the Classroom is a repository of K-12 financial education resources from Utah’s State Office of Education. Resources include curriculum, lessons, and videos.

Financial Lessons and Games: Visa’s Practical Money Skills
Cost: Free
Grades: K-12

Lesson plans and materials by grade level from Visa. The Practical Money Skill’s website includes lesson plans, resources, instructor guides, and games for the classroom.