Washington Covenant Homeownership Act and Committee

Information and updates about the Washington Covenant Homeownership Act and Committee.

About the Act

In 2023, the Washington State Legislature passed the Covenant Homeownership Act, recognizing the historical role of the state in creating discriminatory barriers to homeownership for Black, Indigenous, and people of color, along with other historically marginalized communities.

The legislation acknowledges the state's compelling interest in addressing past and ongoing discrimination and its impacts on access to credit and homeownership.


The Act directs the Washington State Housing Finance Commission to conduct a research study to investigate housing discrimination against marginalized communities in Washington State, what role historic government institutions had in the discrimination, the impacts of the discrimination, and potential remedies for the impacts. These findings will help determine who will be eligible for down payment and closing cost assistance. and establish the framework for creation of a Special Purpose Credit Program under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act.


The Act also establishes a new source of funding for homebuyer assistance from a new $100 document recording assessment on every real-estate transaction. These fees will be deposited into the Covenant Homeownership Account and fund the Special Purpose Credit Program, which will be designed and implemented based on the findings of the research study.

About the Committee

A Covenant Homeownership Program Oversight Committee will oversee and review the Commission’s activities and performance related to the Covenant Homeownership Program Study and the Covenant Homeownership Program. The oversight committee may also, from time to time, make recommendations to the legislature regarding the program.

DFI convened the initial meeting of the committee and facilitated the adoption of rules and the selection of a chair on Jan. 4, 2024.


Visit the Governor's office website to: apply to serve on the Oversight Committee


The Oversight Committee consists of two State Senators and two State Representatives, appointed by the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House, respectively. The other seven members of the Oversight Committee are appointed by the Governor.

Governor's Appointees

  1. Latrice Williams
  2. Vacant
  3. Sarah Clark
  4. Darryl Smith
  5. Jasmyn Jefferson
  6. Anthony Cox
  7. Patience Malaba - Chair

Legislative Members

  1. Rep. Jamila Taylor
  2. Rep. Mark Klicker
  3. Sen. Chris Gildon
  4. Sen. John Lovick

Upcoming Meetings

Information about upcoming meetings.


Board Meeting: July 30, 2024
3:00 - 5:00 pm

More details soon.


Board Meeting: October 30, 2024
11:00 am - 1:00 pm

More details soon.

Previous Meeting Documents

Contact Us

Charles Moore

Additional Information and Resources