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Laws and Rules

Links to laws and rules of interest to entities regulated by DFI.

Revised Code of Washington (RCW) - Laws
Link Topic
RCW 19.144 Mortgage Lending and Homeownership
RCW 30A Washington Commercial Bank Act
RCW 31.24 Industrial Development Corporations
RCW 31.35 Agricultural Lenders - Loan Guaranty Program
RCW 31.40 Federally Guaranteed Small Business Loans
RCW 32 Washington Savings Bank Act
RCW 33 Washington Savings Association Act
RCW 21.20 Securities Act of Washington
RCW 19.110 Business Opportunity Fraud Act
RCW 31.45 Check Cashers and Sellers Act
RCW 21.30 Commodity Transactions Act
RCW 19.144 Mortgage Lending and Homeownership
RCW 19.52 Washington State Interest/Usury Laws
RCW 31.04 Consumer Loan Act
RCW 61 Mortgages, Deeds of Trust, and Real Estate Contracts
RCW 19.144 Mortgage Lending and Homeownership
RCW 31.12 Washington State Credit Union Act
RCW 31.13 Corporate Credit Unions Act
RCW 19.144 Mortgage Lending and Homeownership
RCW 19.52 Washington State Interest/Usury Laws
RCW 43.320 Department of Financial Institutions - Enabling Act
RCW 18.44 Escrow Agent Registration Act
RCW 19.144 Mortgage Lending and Homeownership
RCW 62A Uniform Commercial Code
RCW 63.29 Unclaimed Property
RCW 19.100 Franchise Investment Protection Act
RCW 21.20 Securities Act of Washington
RCW 19.144 Mortgage Lending and Homeownership
RCW 19.52 Washington State Interest/Usury Laws
RCW 31.04 Consumer Loan Act
RCW 19.230 Uniform Money Services Act
RCW 63.29 Unclaimed Property
RCW 19.144 Mortgage Lending and Homeownership
RCW 19.146 Mortgage Broker Practices Act
RCW 31.04 Consumer Loan Act
RCW 19.144 Mortgage Lending and Homeownership
RCW 19.146 Mortgage Broker Practices Act
RCW 19.265 Tax Refund Anticipation Loans
RCW 19.100 Franchise Investment Protection Act
RCW 19.110 Business Opportunity Fraud Act
RCW 21.20 Securities Act of Washington
RCW 21.30 Commodity Transactions Act
RCW 11 Probate and Trust Law
RCW 30B Washington Trust Institutions Act
Washington Administrative Code (WAC) - Rules and Regulations
Link Topic
WAC 208-512 Banks and Trust Companies
WAC 208-512A Limits on Loans and Extensions of Credit
WAC 208-514 Mutual Savings Banks
WAC 208-528 New State Banks and Trust Companies - Application and Investigation
WAC 208-532 Establishment of Alien Banks in Washington -- Procedure
WAC 208-536 Administration of Trust Companies -- Investments, Etc
WAC 208-544 Schedule of Costs of Examinations
WAC 208-548 Acquisition of Banks, Trust Companies, National Banking Associations of Bank Holding Companies by Out-of-State Bank Holding Companies
WAC 208-556 Small Business Administration 7(A) Loan Guaranty Program Nondepository Lenders -- Licensing and Regulation
WAC 208-586 Examination and Supervision Fees for Savings and Loan Associations
WAC 208-590 Merger or Acquisition of Troubled Associations
WAC 208-594 Savings and Loan Trust Powers
WAC 208-598 Foreign Association Branch Application Procedures
WAC 208-600 Mortgage Lending and Homeownership
WAC 460-05A Licensing Fees
WAC 460-20B Broker dealer registration
WAC 460-21B Broker dealer practices
WAC 460-21C Broker dealer services at financial institutions
WAC 460-22B Salespersons of broker-dealers
WAC 208-630 Check cashers and sellers -- Regulation of
WAC 208-600 Mortgage Lending and Homeownership
WAC 208-620 Washington Consumer Loan Act
WAC 208-400 Credit Union Corporate Governance
WAC 208-418 Fees Charged to Credit Unions and Related Parties
WAC 208-436 Rules governing supervisory approval of credit union investment practices
WAC 208-440 Credit union participation in commercial arrangements with third parties
WAC 208-444 Miscellaneous credit union rules
WAC 208-460 Member business loans
WAC 208-472 Credit union field of membership
WAC 208-476 Credit unions - Other real estate owned
WAC 208-490 "Guidance" for credit unions
WAC 208-600 Mortgage Lending and Homeownership
WAC 460-99C Crowdfunding
WAC 208-04 General Provisions
WAC 208-08 Adjudicative Procedures
WAC 208-12 Public Records
WAC 208-680 Escrow Agent Registration Act
WAC 460-80 Franchise registration
WAC 460-82 Franchise broker
WAC 460-05A Licensing Fees
WAC 460-24A Investment advisers
WAC 208-600 Mortgage Lending and Homeownership
WAC 208-620 Washington Consumer Loan Act
WAC 208-690 Regulation of Money Services Providers
WAC 208-600 Mortgage Lending and Homeownership
WAC 208-620 Washington Consumer Loan Act
WAC 208-660 Mortgage brokers and loan originators -- Licensing
WAC 208-600 Mortgage Lending and Homeownership
WAC 208-660 Mortgage brokers and loan originators -- Licensing
WAC 460-05A Licensing Fees
WAC 460-10A Definitions
WAC 460-11A Multijurisdictional disclosure system
WAC 460-12A Fraudulent and other prohibited practices
WAC 460-16A General rules
WAC 460-17A Small company offering registration
WAC 460-18A Notice filings for federal covered securities
WAC 460-23B Salespersons for issuers
WAC 460-25A Use of senior designations
WAC 460-28A Advertisements
WAC 460-32A Real estate related securities programs
WAC 460-33A Regulations concerning securities involving mortgages, trust deeds or property sales contracts
WAC 460-42A Exempt securities
WAC 460-44A Exempt transactions
WAC 460-52A Nonprofit organizations
WAC 460-60A Financial statements and reports -- Contents and filing requirements
WAC 460-64A Capital requirements -- Definitions
WAC 208-528 New State Banks and Trust Companies - Application and Investigation
WAC 208-536 Administration of Trust Companies -- Investments, Etc
WAC 208-544 Schedule of Costs of Examinations