Date Posted: 
Friday, June 30, 2023

The Washington State Department of Financial Institutions (DFI) has received a complaint from a Washington State consumer against Doex. The consumer reported having purchased crypto-currency through an account operated by Doex. When the consumer tried to retrieve those funds, the site said the consumer needed to pay additional funds for taxes before the consumer could retrieve anything.

Doex is not licensed to offer any sort of money services in Washington State by DFI, by the Washington State Department of Licensing, by the Washington State Department of Revenue, or by the Washington State Secretary of State.

It appears that Doex operates at least two websites at: [] and []. The company does not list any other contact information or method of contact other than through customer support on those websites.

DFI warns Washington consumers that before doing business with a financial service provider the consumer should:

Make sure that the entity is licensed. Consumers can use the “Verify a License” feature on DFI’s website at to check whether a payday lender or consumer loan company is licensed to conduct business in the state of Washington.

Not provide any personal information, such as a social security number or a bank account number, or access to one’s bank account if the company is not licensed or authorized to conduct business.


Washington State residents only: If you suspect unlicensed activity by a payday lender or consumer loan company, please contact the DFI at 1-877-RING-DFI (746-4334), or online at Even if your activity involves a loan over the internet, a license may still be required.

If you live in another state, go to this webpage to find the regulator in your home state: